Friday, June 17, 2011

Pregnancy Funnies

It’s so hard to believe we’re only 5 weeks away (or sooner!) from meeting our little angel. Although I have felt prett good for the majority of my pregnancy, the last trimester has made for some funny moments.  I thought it would be fun to share:  
·         “You’re so small” or “You’re only xx weeks?” statements take on their own anxiety-ridden feelings.
·         Your belly (your whole body, for that matter!) is no longer your own.  You have a swimmer, kicker and puncher to keep you entertained all day long.
·         Speaking of kicks and punches, my ribs have gotten their share of the pregnancy beating.
·         Sleeping is a pastime.  Perhaps I’m getting prepared for not sleeping at all with a newborn.
·         You don’t have a bladder.  It just doesn’t exist anymore!
·         Walking is limited to 20 minutes, coupled with the sensation of a baby making its way out into the world!
·         Mood swings are a regularity.
·         Bending down to paint toe nails is now a risk hazard – I can’t breathe!
·         I dream of the day when I can sit, stand, and lay down comfortably.
·         Swimming is one of God’s greatest gifts to a pregnant woman- it’s the only time she’ll feel “light” during those 9 months and be able to move around freely!
·         I’m hungry every hour, but can only eat ¼ of what I used to.  I guess it evens out!

In reality, these are so minor compared to the joy we are about to receive.  I would do this all over again for the blessing of a healthy, baby boy.  We just cannot wait to meet little Cooper Lee Beahm. He is so adored already!

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