Thursday, June 29, 2006


It's Thursday afternoon, I think, although my body is telling me it's Friday morning. I just got off my third and last flight from Chicago last night around midnight. It's good to be back in Greensboro, see my parents, and talk to friends for sure. This was my fourth adventure to China, and it sure did not dissapoint. It took a few weeks, as usual, to get reacclimated to Chinese culture.. but by my last couple weeks in Chengdu, every bit of me would not have minded staying the rest of the summer. It was especially hard leaving Wendy Jane. That is her playing with my IPod in the picture. The hat was staged for the picture, but the IPod was all her. I felt honored that she started saying Jiu Jiu by mid-June, which means mother's younger brother in Chinese. That is now one of about 10 words in Wendy's arsenal of vocabulary. Jenny, Alex, and WJ will be traveling back to the States for about 2 months next summer.. so it was refreshing to keep that in the back of my mind as we said good-bye in Shanghai. As I was boarding the plane in Shanghai, the three of them were preparing to go to Uganda for a month, where they will be leading trip for high schools students from China, and America. It's been a dream of theirs for a while to go to Africa.. as it has recently become mine.. so it'll be cool to hear how the trip goes in August. For anyone living within two hours of Greensboro this summer, namely Raleigh, Charlotte, or Boone.. give me a shout, and we can hang out. I start an internship at my Dad's office July 10.. but weekends roadtrips will definitely be in store until Senior year starts back up at App State.

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