Sunday, April 18, 2010

Heart to God, Hand to Man

I heard this saying a while ago, and it has really stuck with me. Am I doing that? Am I giving my whole heart to God and my service to others? Humbly, my answer is no. Most days I consider that I am living just for me, or the small surroundings I am in. But God has called us to live beyond ourselves. As a Christ follower, I have the honorable obligation to serve as the hands and feet of God. That means putting others first and myself second, all while serving my Maker.

This is tough to do, especially in a culture that is all about success, personal wealth, pleasures and material possessions. But the truth is, we already have so much more…freedom, water, resources, food, space, time, community…than most people in the world. We’re a spoiled bunch, really. I say this with complete transparency because I am not removed from this. I know God has given me way more than I could ever ask or imagine. So what am I doing with it? This is a challenge I’ve been faced with, and maybe you are to.

As most of you know, Michael and I will be traveling to Haiti June 5-12. This will be my first missions trip, and Michael’s 4th or 5th. Admittedly, I am pretty nervous. I’m nervous about going to a place so poor, so devastated and so in need. But more than that, I’m pretty excited for God to use me. I know Haiti is just one of many places that are calling for help. In fact, right here in Charleston there are many people going hungry, thirsty or who are utterly empty and lonely. They’re around every corner, every turn, in every country, city and neighborhood.

We’ve been honored to support some of our friends and family who are the hands and feet of God across the world. They are answering God’s call to serve. But God’s call isn’t just in other countries, but it’s everywhere. I think it’s simply moving beyond “me” to “we”.

Our team leader, our good friend Jason Surratt, actually went down to Haiti only 2 weeks after the devastation. He has traveled around the world as Seacoast’s missions pastor, but he said he’s never seen the types of things he saw while in Haiti. He has given us the caution that our hearts will be broken. He’s urged us to begin praying for and journaling so our hearts may in some way be prepared for what we are going to experience during our short trip. Because of this, I thought that in addition to my personal journal, Michael and I can share some of the things we are praying and learning about here on this blog.

"Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out the laborers into His harvest field." Matthew 9:38


1 comment:

  1. Lynn, you and Michael are so inspiring and understand so clearly that our purpose is to serve others. The beauty and gift so often not spoken is that the service ends up being to ourselves as well. Those we serve end up serving us. This is the most humbling of all understandings.

    I look forward to hearing more about your travels and experiences...
